Participant information can be submitted to Alerus:
File Feed: If you have a secure file feed established between your HRIS system and Alerus, the new plan year enrollments may be able to be submitted through this file feed. Connect with your HRIS team to coordinate sending this enrollment file to Alerus no later than one month before your plan year begins. Format your open enrollment file using the following file naming convention: “CompanyCode_PT_EN_DATE_OE”.Employer File: You can upload an employer demographic/enrollment file through your Employer Website. Visit Importing Files for instructions on this process.
You may enter your enrollments one at a time directly through the Employees section of your Employer Website. Visit Manual Enrollment Entry for instructions on this process.
Do not submit enrollment termination dates for active participants to Alerus as of the plan year’s end, either through file integration or the employer website. Doing so will cause issues with your benefit programs. Alerus automatically tracks the end of your plan year for claim eligibility.
New plan year participants who have not previously had Alerus access will not have online access until the first day of the plan year. For example, if you enter a new participant enrollment for January 1st in December, that participant will not be able to access their account until January 1st.
Dependent Enrollment information can be submitted to Alerus:
File Feed: If you have a secure file feed established between your HRIS system and Alerus, the dependent enrollment information may be able to be submitted through your file feed. You will need to connect with your HRIS team to see if you have the dependent enrollment information enabled on your file feed.
You may enter the dependent information for each participant directly through your Employer Website by navigating to the Employee Page>View Profile>Dependents>New Dependent.
To ensure the accuracy of claims payments, Alerus requires plan sponsors to provide covered spouse and dependent data for all participants in the HRA so the information can be verified when claims are substantiated. Dependent enrollments with Alerus should match the dependent enrollments for your group health plan.
Though participants may still be able to enter and update dependent information on the website, only dependents submitted by the employer will be linked to the participant’s HRA coverage and plan. This ensures claims are only reimbursed for family members covered under the employer’s group medical plan, as verified by the plan sponsor (employer).
Dependent enrollment information will be required to be maintained by the employer.