Automatic Enrollment Procedures

Key Takeaway

Your plan has elected automatic enrollment for your participants. When an employee has met plan eligibility requirements, you must set the Salary Deferral Amount to the plan’s Automatic Deferral Percentage (for example, 3%) in your payroll system. Further instructions are below.


Changes To Future Deferral Rate

  • If a participant does not return their Initial Enrollment Form, include the Salary Deferral Amount of the newly eligible participant in the first payroll submission following their entry date.
  • Upon receipt of a contribution for a new participant, Alerus will establish a new participant account and invest the contribution in the plan’s default fund.
  • Alerus will generate a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the new participant and mail it to the participant. Upon receipt of the PIN, the participant can log in to their account to make changes.
  • Changes to Future Deferral Rates are made via a Salary Reduction Agreement. A participant can retrieve the agreement from the website in the Resource Library and send the completed form to the employer for updating in the payroll system.


Send census file. Prior to each enrollment date, submit a census file of employees who will be eligible on the next enrollment date. Submit the file on our secure website, as follows:

  1. 1

    Log in to the sponsor website.

  2. 2

    Go to Manage My Files, and click Submit Files.

  3. 3

    File Type: Select Online Enrollment.

  4. 4

    Enter a short description of what you are submitting (e.g., newly eligible employees).

  5. 5

    Your information covers the period between: {Enter file dates}.

  6. 6

    Location of the information you are submitting: Use the Browse Button to attach the file. Click Submit.

Participants will be able to create a profile with My Alerus to access their accounts and make any changes.

It is the employer’s responsibility to retrieve payroll reports and to ensure that participant-initiated deferral rate change(s) are fully executed in the employer’s payroll system, in accordance with plan provisions.

Online Deferral Rate Changes

Each Monday a report titled Payroll Reports will be available online, listing participants who enrolled or made a deferral rate change online during the previous week:

  1. 1

    After logging in, go to Manage My Files, and click Retrieve Files.

  2. 2

    File Type: Select Payroll Reports.

  3. 3

    Name Includes: Leave blank.

  4. 4

    Click on the Search button and select View to launch the report.

At any time, the employer can generate a payroll report for a specific date range. To request the report:

Payroll Report Instructions:

  1. 1

    After logging in, go to Manage My Files, click Request Reports.

  2. 2

    Reports: Select Participant Rate Entry Change Report.

  3. 3

    Date Low and Date High: Enter a date range.

  4. 4

    Click Request Report. To retrieve the report, go to Manage My Files, and click Retrieve Files.

  5. 5

    File Type: Select Requested Reports.

  6. 6

    Name Includes: Leave blank.

  7. 7

    Click on the Search button and select View to launch the report.