Formato estándar de la nómina

Lo más importante

A continuación se presenta una plantilla para cargar las contribuciones estándar de la nómina.

  • Excel (.xls) es el formato de archivo estándar. Si se utiliza un programa informático de nóminas para extraer los datos, el formato de nóminas indicado a continuación puede presentarse en un archivo de texto delimitado por comas (.txt).
  • La convención de nombres estándar de cada archivo es su número de cuenta Alerus de seis dígitos seguido de la fecha real de la nómina en formato YYMMDD (por ejemplo, 123456220811.xls).
  • Utilice el texto de la columna «Descripción» como encabezamiento de las columnas del archivo. Los campos que no contengan datos deben permanecer en blanco.
  • Introduzca la información de cada empleado en una fila.
  • Al presentar la remuneración y las horas, presente los datos de todos los empleados, participantes y no participantes.
  • Los campos identificados como Tipo «A» son alfabéticos y deben estar justificados a la izquierda y en mayúsculas. Los campos identificados como Tipo «N» son numéricos, deben estar justificados a la derecha y no pueden contener comas o $.
  • Si necesita ayuda para determinar las columnas de fuentes de cotización que debe utilizar (columnas Q – X), llame a su administrador de cuentas al 800.433.1685.
AYSocial Security Number9N9(9)Valid employee Social Security Number (no dashes). Example: 123456789
BEmployee's last name, comma, space, first name, space, middle initial. Example: DOE, JANE R
YLast Name, First Name MI30AX(30)Employee’s last name, comma, space, first name, space, middle initial. Example: DOE, JANE R
If submitting name extensions such as JR or II, employee’s last, space, extension, comma, space, first name, space, middle initial. Example: DOE JR, JOHN R
CYStreet Address 140AX(40)Employee's first address line.
DYStreet Address 240AX(40)Employee's second address line.
EYCity28AX(28)Employee's city of residence.
FYState3AX(3)Employee’s 2‐digit abbreviated state code or 3‐digit province abbreviation. Follow postal codes.
GYZip + 49AX(9)Employee's 5- or 9-digit zip code (no dash).
HNDivision/ Location4AX(4)Employee's division or location, if applicable, or leave blank.
IYDate of Birth8NYYYYMMDDEmployee's date of birth (no dashes or slashes).
JYOriginal Date of Hire8NYYYYMMDDEmployee's original date of hire (no dashes or slashes).
KNDate of Eligibility8NYYYYMMDDEmployee's date of eligibility as defined by Plan Document
LYDate of Rehire8NYYYYMMDDEmployee's date of rehire (no dashes or slashes).
MYDate of Term8NYYYYMMDDEmployee's date of termination (no dashes or slashes).
NYYear-To-Date Hours8N9(8)Cumulative hours worked include holiday, vacation, sick, overtime, and double‐time. Example: 1020.50
ONYear-To-Date Gross Compensation15N9(15) Cumulative gross W‐2 earnings before employee deferral. Gross W‐2 earnings include regular pay, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay, bonuses, commissions, and overtime. Do not include severance pay paid after an employee’s termination date. Example: 1234.56
PNYear-To-Date Excluded Compensation15N9(15)Cumulative excluded compensation as outlined in your plan document (e.g., bonuses, commissions, etc.).Example: 500.00
QNEmployee Deferral10N9(10)Current period employee pre-tax deferral amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
RNEmployee Roth Deferral10N9(10)Current period employee Roth after-tax deferral amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
SNEmployer Match10N9(10)Current period employer match amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
TNEmployer Discretionary10N9(10)Current period employer discretionary amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
UNEmployee After Tax Deferrals10N9(10)Current period employee after-tax (not Roth) deferral amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
VNSafe Harbor Profit Sharing10N9(10)Current period safe harbor profit sharing amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
WNSafe Harbor Match10N9(10)Current period safe harbor match amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
XNPension10N9(10)Current period pension amount. Example: 100.00 – if applicable
YNLoan Payments10N9(10)Current period loan payment amount. Example: 25.00
If your plan allows multiple loans, submit loan payments under a separate file using the Multiple Loan Payment Format on the next page. Leave this field blank if using the multiple loan payment format.
ZYPayroll Frequency1N9(1)Enter the employee's payroll frequency. 7=Weekly, 6=Bi-Weekly, 5=Semi-Monthly, 4=Monthly

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