Do I have the right to make-up deferrals?

Yes, you may designate some or all of your wage withholding (or deferral) to apply to the period of military service. This provision allows you make up for savings opportunities lost while on duty. In addition, consider:

  • The company match: Deferrals will receive company match contributions based on the formula in place during your absence.
  • IRS calendar year limitations on deferrals: The Tax Code imposes an annual limit on deferrals (see your Human Resources representative for current amounts). Returning veterans who exceed the annual limitation may count a portion of their deferrals for the period of military service.

For example: Bob, age 30, is on active duty during all of 2017. When he returns in 2018, he wishes to save $23,500, which is $5,000 more than the 2018 deferral limit. He designates $5,000 of his 2018 deferral as a make-up deferral for 2017. By doing so, his 2018 and 2017 contributions are deemed to be $18,500, and $5,000 respectively. He has not exceeded the annual limitation.